Ello – Welcome to your new Social Network!

In September 2014, Facebook has 864 million daily active users on average.

Given those numbers, is there really a need for another social network? Meet Ello – the simple, beautiful, and ad-free social network created by a small group of artists and designers. It’s already one of the hottest up & coming start-ups on the net!

Currently invite-only, Ello is beta and has a manifesto not to sell adverts or member data.

Check out Ello here

If you’re looking for an invite – let me know and I will send the invite code over.


Sony – Fighting fire with fire

Well, you must have heard about the Sony hacks by now. As if that weren’t enough troubles for Sony already, Network World just  reported that Sony used Amazon Web Services to counter-DDOS websites hosting leaked content from Sony. Amazon is definitely not happy with Sony. Looks like Sony plans to fight fire with fire.

Sony – naughty naughty…



Contributor – A sign of things to come?

Google recently launched an experiment which allows web users an opportunity to skip ads and fund websites through a subscription model known as Contributor

Summary of the service – as a contributor, you get to skip ads and will see a nice ‘Thank you’ message in place of annoying adverts.

Check out their website and see how it works, content sites such as my favourite Mashable are already on board.

CNBC reported this here