Unlimited is the new Limit

It seems like everything is going unlimited these days. And I mean everything…
Example, for $3.45 a month you get unlimited cloud storage space with unlimited bandwidth for your website.

That’s cheaper than a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

For $68 a month you get unlimited talktime and SMS with one of the local carriers – Starhub

This week, Microsoft announced that they will be upping the storage limits for their Office 365 product – https://blog.onedrive.com/office-365-onedrive-unlimited-storage/

Rolling out in batches, subscribers to their Office product will enjoy unlimited storage on their OneDrive product at no additional costs. Existing Office 365 subscribers typically get 1TB of space which by itself is already massive.

I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna upload my whole PC to the cloud once my Office 365 account is upgraded!

The future is indeed exciting!